The numeracy assessment will take place Tuesday, April 14 - Monday, April 20, 2020. Your time and place to write the exam will be posted in the office window. You MUST write the test at the time given.
*Click the above link for the Exam Prep Sessions in the Suddaby room.
*It is mandatory to attend at least 1 "Mechanics" session and 1 "Written/Math content" session. You may wish to attend more than 1 of each session.
Click here to practice an online version of the assessment. This will be just like how your assessment will look.
*School district: select any school district
PEN: You don't need your own student number for this practice assessment. Any 9 digit number will work.
Subject: Select Graduation Numeracy
Sample Assessment or E-Exam: Select Grade 10 Sample Graduation Numeracy Assessment - Form A or Form B. There are 2 practice exams you can do.
Note: You will likely need to enable pop-ups on your browser. If the exam doesn't load, this is likely the reason why.
Click here for a PDF of the form A assessment
Click here for a PDF of the Form A answers.
Click here for some sample answers to the written portion of the Form A assessment.
Click here for a PDF of the Form B assessment.
Click here for a PDF of the Form B answers.
Here is another sample set of questions with videos that explain the process behind how you should solve each type of question.
PDF of the sample set of questions
Video that introduces the numeracy processes you need to use to solve the problems.
Video for question #1 (interpret)
Video for question #4 (analyze)
Video for question #5 (student choice)
PDF of the answers to questions 1-4.
PDF of a sample answer to question #5.
Math Topics You Should Know For This Assessment
Ratios, rates and percent (Math 8 LG 1-2)
Operations with rational numbers (Math 8 LG 8-10, Math 9 LG 1)
Linear Relations (Math 8 LG 12, Math 9 LG 10)
Spatial proportional reasoning (Math 8 LG 1)
Stats in society (mean, median, mode etc). (Math 9 LG 14)
Probability (Math 8 LG 15)
Financial literacy (Math 10 LG 16/17)